Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Outbreak: Long Road Back and other news

Alright everybody! How's things? I hope you're all doing well. So let's get right to the big news! I know I've said in previous posts that the last book in the Outbreak series would be out soon. Well guess what! I'm going to release it this Friday, October 3rd.
I really can't wait for everybody to get the the last book. I think I do a good job of bringing the series to a close and I hope you all enjoy it. However I can't help but feel a little weird about the end of the whole thing. I've been living with these characters for close to five or six years now...and now I have to move on. I might pop back in for a visit now and again (say some short stories or something put up as posts here) but that's it. It's kind of like having good friends move out of town or something. You don't get to see them nearly as often as you like but you might take a couple vacation days once in awhile to go see them.
So! On to the next challenge, hey? I've already got an idea for a new book and we'll have to see where it goes. I've had a few ideas that didn't quite pan out but I think I've got a good one going here. All I'll say right now is that it's loosely based on the historical events (such as we know) surrounding Spartacus and/or the British queen Boudicca.
For those of you unfamiliar with Boudicca take a second to check out THIS right here from the absolutely crotch clubbingly awesome run by a guy named Ben Thompson. Also if you've got the urge I highly recommend his three books for sale on the site. They're all really really good reads.
I mean seriously why isn't that made into a major freaking blockbuster summer action flick? It's got everything you need right in it. I mean sure it doesn't have the happy Hollywood ending but it isn't like historical accuracy has ever stopped a movie studio in the history of ever. Oh! And there's some reasonably good evidence that the heroine of the story might have had tons of innocent civilians sacrificed to the Celtic goddess of victory so there's that too.
Also it's got a gigantor horde of super omega pissed vengeance seeking Britons headbutting Romans all over the place til their heads explode and Sparta Kicking Legionaries into huge flaming piles of suck that used to be their forts. Anyways that's about all I got for right now. Click on the link at the top of the post to get to my eBooks on Amazon. If you're on Facebook check out my book's page there at and give it a like. I keep an eye on various current events there including the ever spreading Ebola epidemic there so go ahead. What could it hurt? Thanks for reading!

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