Sunday, August 17, 2014

Ferguson Riots and more Book News.

Hello everyone! I hope this post finds you all healthy and happy and Ebola free. Anyways to business! First off thank you very much to Amazon user copyleft for the five star review on Outbreak: Boston's product page. I really can't even begin to tell you guys how much it means to me that you guys enjoy and appreciate my humble efforts. Thank you.
So...what's been going on lately? Well, I'm about 2/3 of the way through the first draft of the third and final book in the Outbreak series. I'm looking forward to seeing what you folks out there make of it and I really hope you like it. I may end up doing something on Smashwords so that I can sell on iBooks and the Nook as well though we'll have to see.
I'd like to talk for just a little bit about what's going on right now in this little suburb of St. Louis, Missouri here in the States. If anyone doesn't know here's the facts that I've able to gather so far. An unarmed eighteen year old black man was shot by a policeman. The man had apparently just come from roughing up a clerk at a convenience store a few blocks away and stealing some cigars (the policeman didn't know about this at the time however). So naturally a prayer vigil for the young man ended with looting and stuff being lit on fire.
I almost have to wonder if there wasn't a couple plants in the crowd. I can't prove anything but I'm curious as to how peaceful protests end up turning into violent crapstorms. I'm just talking out of my butt here but it does seem like there's lots of people who were awful keen to bust out all their high speed low drag kit and go play soldier. Gotta justify all those MRAPs and M4s to the taxpayers somehow, right? What better excuse than a genuine honest to God race riot?
And of course Al Sharpton had to show up. As a quick aside why don't people realize that people like Al Sharpton's income is directly dependent on how much they can make a certain segment of the population feel like a victim? Anyways...
Here's my takeaway from the whole affair: prepare prepare prepare. Have a good supply of food on hand and the means to cook it if the power goes out. Need a good cheap way to store some water? Try this out: get yourself a trash bag. A big one like 30 gallons or more. Then when your milk jugs get empty wash them out and leave them open on the windowsill for about 24 hours or so to kill any bacteria that might be in there. Then stash them in the trash bag and stuff them in the closet. In an emergency bust out your bag of milk jugs, go to the bathroom and fill them up from the tub. Then put the stopper in the tub and fill that up too as well as the sinks and anything else you can think of.
Get a gun and learn how to use it. Think fast, hot shot! Which stores in Ferguson aren't being looted? Too late! It's the ones with the groups of armed civilians standing out front! That's right. Apparently the police have pulled back basically leaving people on their own.

And here's the most important thing you can have. I mean primo A number one tippy top of the list can not go without here. That picture right there illustrates it perfectly. You need people you can trust to watch your back. You can have all the awesomesauce tacticool guns in the world and piles of MREs...but you're going to have to sleep sometime. One dude isn't that scary to a pack of looters. Six guys with ARs? Um...I'd really think that they're going to go hit that place up down the street.
Speaking of 'Tacticool' take a look at this guy.

I'm sure you've seen this picture. I just had to kind of shake my head. I mean look at this guy's rifle. How freakin' ridiculous. Okay dude. You're wearing body armor, helmet and all manner of kit in the summer in Missouri (it gets seriously hot there in the summer with like 300% humidity) with no water source. Then you're going to bolt like ten pounds of crap onto a six pound rifle. A bipod and a tripod? Really, dude? I would point and laugh at you if I saw you walking around with that. And that big ass scope too? Must be a lot of 900-1000 meter shots you're planning on taking you a small town urban environment.

Remember nothing says Gangsta like cruising your bike through the lingerie section with your Red Ryder bb gun.        
Wait a minute! I think I know what all the looting's about! All these guys are just trying to find shirts! 
Anyways that's all I got for right now. Please click on the link at the top of the post to visit my Amazon author's page where you can find my two eBooks for sale. If you enjoy them please take a moment to post a review. Thanks! 

1 comment:

  1. Good points.
    I think a lot of craziness went on there.
    We're just at the beginning of the shit storm my friend.
