Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Legal Pot and Outbreak News

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Hello, everyone! I hope you are all not unwell. Before I start I'd like to thank Christine McAny for her lovely review of my first book, Outbreak: Boston on its Amazon page. I'm glad that you enjoyed the book and I really do appreciate it. Please, if you've read any of my books and you liked them, take a moment and review them.
Also if you are so inclined pop over to my books' Facebook page and give it a Like. I not only post updates about the upcoming book (the third one will most likely be out sometime either this Summer or Fall) but I also post links to relevant news articles and funny zombie related pictures. 
So, on to the subject of this post now that we've got that bit of business out of the way. As a lot of you have probably heard here in the United States, Colorado and Washington State have legalized the sale and possession of marijuana up to I believe an ounce or whatever arbitrary amount it is if you're over the age of 21. And you know what? I could honestly care less. 
I personally think it's bullshit that pot's illegal in the first place. It's largely harmless (I say largely just because as a quick aside I'm actually allergic to it. If I'm around it I cough until I throw up and then I suffer from migraines for about three to six hours afterwards). If somebody wants to have a joint in their own home I could honestly care less. It's none of my business what anybody does in their home as long as everybody's of age and nobody's getting hurt that doesn't want to be. I fully realize that there are some strange people out there who like getting hurt but...well...I think it's weird but still if nobody's being forced into it then hey have fun just leave me out of it, right?
I also have a good laugh at the people freaking out because "ZOMG!! TEENAGERS WILL GET POT!!" Because as we all know since pot's illegal no teenager ever smoked grass. No not at all. Nope not ever. No high school kid ever in the history of the United States ever used marijuana since it was illegal. Of course I'm being sarcastic. Anyone who ever actually went to high school here in the states would know that's full of crap.
Or how about the argument that pot makes people crazy. This largely stems from the propaganda films back in the 50's and 60's about the 'dangers of marijuana'. For instance there was a case in Florida back in the 50's (I believe) wherein a young man who was suffering from violent schizophrenia smoked a joint then went in the house and murdered his entire family with an ax. Well...when William Randolph Hearst got a hold of the story he decided that his newspapers would leave out the bit about the young man's history of mental illness and hype the fact that he smoked a joint before committing the crime. Of course Mr. Hearst was also trying his damnedest to get US hemp farmers put out of business at the time so there's that. Did you ever stop to think that maybe the people suffering from these torturous mental illnesses were self medicating using pot?
As long as I'm on the subject there are some pretty interesting studies being done regarding the medicinal properties of marijuana. Do I think it's the miracle drug that some people think it is? No, but I think it's certainly worth looking into for things like terminal cancer, AIDS patients and the like. I had a grandfather die of pancreatic cancer a few years ago and I'm here to tell you that it's one ugly way to go. If something slightly less harsh as the bucket loads of morphine they were pumping into him could have helped in any way shape or form I'm all for it.
So far as I can tell the only side effects of marijuana use are the munchies, terrible taste in music (I'm sorry but in my opinion you have to be stoned to enjoy the Grateful Dead) and possibly some...unfortunate...personal hygiene choices. I'm sorry but white kids with dreadlocks look stupid and smearing yourself with patchouli just makes you stink. Take a damn shower. 
Anyways that's all I got for right now. Thanks for reading and please click on the link at the top of the page to take a look at my eBooks. All purchases are greatly appreciated and if you're an Amazon Prime member you can borrow them for free. Thanks and have a great day!   

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