Saturday, April 27, 2013

Thoughts on Last Week

So for like the six of you that didn't hear, a couple cheesedicks apparently decided to blow up a bunch of innocent people at the Boston Marathon last week. The whole last week or so has seemed just plain disorientating. The whole mess was just so close to what I was seeing in my head while I was writing that it was kinda hard to tell if I was just imagining the entire thing.  Never mind the screaming and chaos and such being played over and over again on the news but everything after that.
Did anybody ever think that you'd ever see an entire city locked down? That there'd be American police pulling innocent American citizens out of their homes at gunpoint as you can see here? Am I the only one who's seen something like that before? Did anybody ever DREAM that we'd actually hear politicians arguing over reading an American citizen his Miranda rights? That there'd be a debate as to the American government branding a criminal suspect an 'enemy combatant' and disappearing his ass into a military prison someplace most likely never to be heard from again? That there'd be some pretty serious bad guys popping in for a visit on our President...some more? There's so much going on that the mainstream media isn't saying or inconsistencies in the story being put out too. Really too much to go into here. Again I always say don't believe me go on and do your own research. Suspects getting slipped out of the country. The suspected bomber's mom giving two completely different stories depending on where you get the information. 
And a part of me can't help but get a little freaked as I thought I was exaggerating a little bit as to how bad things could get. Now I'm not so sure. I mean...after watching what went down in Boston last week I can't help but really see things getting as crazy as they do in my book. I couldn't really imagine my government turning the police and military loose on its own citizens like that. Now? Now I'm really not so sure.
I also never thought that I'd see Senator Rand Paul actually have to filibuster for over thirteen hours to get an answer to a simple question as to wither or not my government would violently reduce it's own citizens to their component parts with a Hellfire missile without so much as a trial. And more chillingly, the answer he got was some kind of mealy mouthed mishmash instead of a simple 'No' like he should have gotten. I mean...God Almighty shitfire is this what we've come to? 
And it isn't like those missiles are as selective as they make out either. They tend to not only kill the guy that they mean to hit but anybody else that happens to be around them too. I just plain can't believe that I'd ever actually hear or see any of this stuff that's gone on in the past week or two would ever happen. I can't be the only one who can't help but wonder if the world's gone mad (or madder than usual, anyways). 
Well...I guess that's all I've got for right now. Thanks for checking out the blog and if you've got a $1.50 USD to spare, click on the link at the top of the post and get a copy of my book for your Kindle. There'll be a sequel out soon and also look up Outbreak: Boston on Facebook and give the book's page a like. Thanks!

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