Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Could we make it back?

Hi folks! Hope you're all doing very well and all comfy and happy. First post in awhile though I really do mean to do this more often. First off, great big gooshy thank yous to everybody who has bought my books Outbreak: Boston and its sequel Outbreak: Brave New World (both available for your Kindle through the links above plug plug shameless plug). I really appreciate the reviews that people have given them on the books' respective pages. Seriously. Thank you. I'm glad that people like my work. 
So...on to the main subject of this post. In the event of an honest to God Zombie Apocalypse could we as a species make it? Here's my thoughts on the subject and of course I welcome your thoughts.
Personally, I'm of a mind that we would eventually recover. We've been through some pretty tough spots as a species and yet here I am typing this this and there you are (wherever you are) reading this. Think about it this for a second. The Bubonic Plague wiped out something on the order of depending on the estimates one third to one half of the population of Europe. One. Half. Think of ten people you know. Got it? Good. By the end of the week five of them are dead. There were entire villages wiped out populated only by feral dogs. So many people died that people couldn't even bury them all. 
Want worse? I got it. If you didn't already know about it there's something called a caldera (read ginormous volcano of screaming horrible explody death) under Yellowstone National Park in the United States. This thing is HUGE.
 See that? That's what it looked like the last time this thing lost it's shit. When it did scientists say it reduced the world population of humans to something on the order of five thousand breeding pairs. I will repeat that. Five thousand breeding pairs. That's a five with three zeroes. In the entire world. The entire world population of humans would barely register as a town today.
So...would we make it? I'm confident that yes we would. Would the world afterwards look the same as it does today? Most assuredly not.
Going back to The Black Death, it left a completely different world in its wake. Due to the fact that there wasn't a whole lot of people left to work the land the peasant class could, for all intents and purposes, force the nobility to agree to fork over a bigger piece of the pie if they wanted them to keep working for them. If they didn't there was plenty of empty farmland for them to choose from. Lotsa luck there, Your Lordship planting a crop and harvesting it by yourself. Have fun with that. 
It also radically changed the people's relationship with the Catholic Church as many of the clergy were screaming and hollering about how The Plague was God's wrath and everybody who was getting sick and dying were sinners who deserved it...ended up dying of The Plague themselves... Wouldn't that kinda make you stop and think for a minute? It would certainly make me start asking questions.
Certainly the generation that went through the Zombie Plague and came out the other side would be different almost alien to us. They'd have gotten used to not having electricity or running water. I'll telly you this much I doubt very much obesity would be much of an issue with them either. Depending on how long things dragged on I doubt very much you'd see a diabetic or anything like that for that matter. I'm not saying that to be mean I'm saying it because it's true: how long do you think that an insulin dependent diabetic would last without access to refrigeration or the medication they needed? Or all those other diseases that everybody's taking all those pills for these days. Hell cut off the supply of all those SSRIs and crap like that that everybody's on for a month and see how fast everything flies apart.      
Anyways, that's all I've got for right now. Please again check out my books available at Amazon for your Kindle (the links are available at the page) and if you enjoy them please take a second and write a review on the pages. I'm also on Twitter (@RobVanDusen109) and I set up a Facebook page for the books ( Like the page if you're so inclined. Thanks for reading and have a good day!

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